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Franz Hofmann

Strengtheningpersonality developmentand teaching social skillsin the classroom
Suggestions forteachersand students / Persönlichkeitsstärkung und soziales Lernen im Unterricht Anregungen für Lehrer/Innen und Studierende 

© Österreichisches Zentrum für Persönlichkeitsbildung und soziales Lernen (ÖZEPS) im Auftrag des BMUKK, Wien, 2008, 68 p.

ISBN 978-3-85031-099-4

In German

Thebook deals with the following topics:
promotion of one’s own personality and of social skills; designinglearning settings in order to enableindividual learning in theclass;setting upa culture of"mutual learning" at school, in terms ofpeer-learning; giving pupils a sense of achievement, importantfor their personal development, etc. The book also gives pupils the opportunity to get meaningfulsocialexperiences and thus helps developtheircommunicativeandcollaborativeskills.

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Article available in: English, Deutsch